Jelly Toast

Kitchen S’mores // VIDEO

Kitchen S'mores |

This post is sponsored by Campfire® Marshmallows. All opinions are my own.

You may honestly be wondering what in the world am I talking about when I say “Kitchen S’mores”. It basically involves a desperate girl in need of some s’mores but lacking some of the basic necessities like graham crackers and oh, yeah, a fire pit. A month has passed since our move and things have been a whirlwind of activity: visiting family, fixing up our basement, school supply shopping (*sob* my baby is going to be in Kindergarten!!) and of course, cooking. The one thing that we haven’t gotten around to doing is shopping for a new grill and fire pit. Budget and time has not allowed us to do those things quite yet, but I am not one to let that hold me back. Especially when it comes to enjoying my summer time s’mores.

Going on a pantry raid to find a little nibble of sweet is pretty routine around here. I honestly hardly ever buy cookies from the store and it has nothing to do with being a snob about store-bought cookies. The problem is, they last for about a split second around here. Desserts and sweets tend to last a bit longer when we have to put some effort into them.

And I always have marshmallows. Always.

I most of the time have some sort of cracker around, too. And with these two items, I’ve gotten very good at hobbling together a simple treat in the evening. After making countless kinds of random kitchen s’mores, I figured it was about time that I shared some of my favorite combinations here on JT. So here they are in all there glory:

There you have it! My secrets are out. I love the salty/sweet combinations of Ritz crackers and Triscuits as the base for toasted Campfire® Marshmallows. Don’t even get me started on the mini donuts…It was a good night when I discovered that combination.

Oh, remember how I mentioned that we don’t have a fire pit at our new house yet? Well, I *very carefully* toast my marshmallows over my gas stove burner. Works like a charm.

Don’t have a fire pit or a gas stove? Just melt them in the microwave for a few seconds or toast them under the broiler. Again, watch because the marshmallows can get away from you in a hurry.

Kitchen S'mores |

This post is part of an ongoing partnership I have with Campfire® Marshmallows. They are hands-down my favorite marshmallows and I am having a ball spreading the word on how incredible these fluffy, sweet marshmallows are. For more information about Campfire® Marshmallows, visit them on their website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Are you a Pinterest fanatic like I am? Be sure to check out our Marshmallow Madness Pinterest board for even more marshmallow inspiration!

I have detailed below the ‘recipes’ for my kitchen s’mores, but I encourage you to use what you have in your pantry to create your very own Kitchen S’mores! I would love to hear your off-beat combinations 🙂

Happy Thursday!

Kitchen S'mores

Yield: 1 of each variety

Prep Time:5 minutes


Kitchen S'more #1

2 Ritz Crackers

1 tablespoon cookie butter

1 Campfire® Marshmallow, toasted

Kitchen S'more #2

1 mini donut, chocolate glazed, cut in half

1 Campfire® Marshmallow, toasted

Kitchen S'more #3

2 Triscuit crackers (classic or toasted coconut flavor)

1 piece dark chocolate

1 Campfire® marshmallow, toasted


Layer ingredients together and enjoy!

August 6th, 2015

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