Jelly Toast

banana coconut cream parfaits | thursday thoughts

It’s Thursday and I wanted to try something a little different. Something I’m calling Thursday Thoughts. I sometimes keep a running list of random thoughts on my phone, and I realized today that I’d gathered quite a list. So, without further ado, here are a few of my long running collection.
Why is it that I can remember entire episodes of Friends, or still be able to recite a movie that I haven’t seen in 5 years (*cough* sixteen candles *cough*), but I can’t seem to remember where I leave my sunglasses?

How do my sunglasses end up in the middle of the back yard, only to be found 3 days later by my husband when he (before, luckily) goes to mow the lawn?

I’m completely obsessing over cool camping stuff lately, so much so that it’s inspired a new Pinterest board. Also, I’m becoming a bit Pinterest crazy in general. Something that both surprises me and doesn’t, all at the same time.

How excited am I that Joy the Baker loves one of the sandwiches that I grew up with, but that is admittedly, somewhat odd? Very excited, that’s how much.

While I’m not a huge Discovery Channel gal, every single time I see the commercials for the new North America series, I can’t help but stop and stare. It looks incredible. It might be the song that they play.

Mad Men puts together the absolute best ‘scenes from next week’s episode’ – of any show, ever. So random, so perfect.

I could eat my weight in this everyday, and sometimes I’m afraid I do.

Speaking of coconut, I made these Banana Coconut Cream Parfaits and they were out of this world delicious. A little trip down memory lane with some old school banana pudding mixed with some toasty coconut goodness. You should make some.

Head over to My Baking Addiction to get the full recipe for my Banana Coconut Creme Parfaits. Oh, if you’re keeping track, each parfait is 8 points+. A bit high for my daily treat, but for the occasional indulgence: perfection.

Are you having your very own Thursday thoughts? I’d love to hear them. Trust me, I’m a good listener. Plus, I always bring coffee.

Happy Thursday!


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4 comments on “banana coconut cream parfaits | thursday thoughts”

  1. This looks awesome!! I’m sure the combination of bananas and coconut tasted heavenly in this parfait! I love it 🙂

  2. I could sure use one of these babies for breakfast right now!

  3. Definitely heading over for the recipe. Yum! Love coconut everything. And speaking of love… I’m loving your Thursday thoughts 🙂 Look forward to more randomness next week.