Jelly Toast

gazpacho #SundaySupper

Fresh, crisp and full of flavor, this chunky Gazpacho is the perfect soup to beat the summertime heat.

gazpacho by Jelly Toast #SundaySupper

Soooo…..I’ve been chatting a lot about this crazy heat and humidity the last few days and I’ve found something that is helping immensely with tolerating it (ok – it’s like 85, but seriously, enough already).

My solution: don’t turn on the oven.

Yup, it’s as simple as a cold, no-cook meal to put the spring back in my step. I’m even taking a *short* break from grilling. This week it’s all about cold, crisp and refreshing dishes that don’t make me sweat over the stove.

No one wants that.

Gazpacho by Jelly Toast #SundaySupper

And one of my favorite summer no-cook meals is Gazpacho. Oh yes, this chilled veggie packed soup is so fabulous, it makes an appearance at our summer table pretty frequently during the month of July.

Now, if you’ve had gazpacho before, you might realize that there are all sorts of gazpacho interpretations and this chunky, kinda spicy version is my fave. It’s full of fresh tomatoes, red pepper, cucumber and a touch of jalapeño for some kick. True, because this isn’t a blended gazpacho, there is some chopping involved. But I throw on my headphones and an audio book and I’m set for the next few minute while I chop away at the veggies.

It’s very therapeutic.

Gazpacho by Jelly Toast #SundaySupper

When it comes to my version of gazpacho, I like to throw a generous amount of cilantro in there because I’m a total cilantro girl. But I realize cilantro is one of those polarizing foods that some people won’t touch with a ten foot pole while others will bath in olympic size swimming pool of the stuff. If I was a girl who swam in leaves, I would totally swim in cilantro.

But that sounds kind of weird now that I’m thinking about it so we’ll stick with “I’m a cilantro lover”. Now, if you’re not, no problemo. Just use basil or parsley instead. It’ll be different, but still delish.

Whatever you do, just don’t forget the dollop of Greek yogurt and grilled bread on the side. Yes, I realize I just said I wasn’t even going to grill, but I lied. You could go with fresh bread and be A-okay, though.

I think the heat is making me delirious. I better run and whip up some more gazpacho.

Gazpacho by Jelly Toast #SundaySupper

Happy Sunday!

Gazpacho Recipe

Yield: 8 servings

Prep Time:30 minutes + 2 hours

Total Time:2 1/2 hours


3 1/2 pounds Roma tomatoes, peeled and diced (see notes)
2 cups good quality tomato juice
1 medium English cucumber, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 medium red onion, diced
1 small jalapeño, seeded and diced small
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
2 limes, juiced
1 1/2 Tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon cumin
salt and pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
plain Greek yogurt, chopped cucumber and grilled bread for serving


In a large bowl mix together tomatoes, tomato juice, cucumber, red pepper, onion, jalapeño, garlic, olive oil, lime juice, balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, cumin, salt, black pepper and cilantro. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours to let the flavors blend and allow the soup to chill completely. Test and adjust salt and pepper if needed. Serve with a dollop of greek yogurt (or sour cream), chopped cucumber and bread. Enjoy!


To easily peel the tomatoes, cut an x in the end of the skin and drop them into boiling water for 10 seconds. Remove and plunge them into cold water to cool. Using a pairing knife, gently remove the peels of the tomatoes.
Recipe adapted from Alton Brown
July 6th, 2014

Looking for more ways to beat the heat? Be sure to check out all of these amazing Summer Chillin’ recipes from our Sunday Supper table!

Brisk Beverages

Chilled Starters

Snappy Salads and Sides

Refreshing Main Dishes

Cool Confections

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET.  Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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61 comments on “gazpacho #SundaySupper”

  1. Pingback: Surimi Salad #SundaySupper - Pescetarian Journal

  2. I’ve had some great gazpachos but I’ve never made one. Yours sounds really delicious and I love the bright colors in it!

    • It’s a very easy recipe! and if you don’t want to do all the chopping, you can even just pulse all the veggies in the food processor for a slightly less chunky version, but a bit quicker 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Pingback: Mocha Madness Milkshake #SundaySupper - Desserts Required

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  6. Pingback: Buffalo and Blue Cheese Chicken Salad - Cupcakes & Kale Chips

  7. Pingback: Beat the heat with these Summer Chillin' #SundaySupper Recipes!

  8. Pingback: Tuna Tartare #SundaySupper - kimchi MOM ™

  9. Pingback: Tuna and Potato Salad #SundaySupper - Cindy's Recipes and WritingsCindy's Recipes and Writings

  10. Hand raised… I too would swim in cilantro…gladly! lol This chopped version looks amazing! I want to dunk crusty bread in all the goodness. Yum!

  11. Pingback: Cucumber - Watercress Soup Gazpacho Style! | The Wimpy Vegetarian

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  15. I love a chunky gazpacho and, I agree, chopping is very therapeutic. After all that chopping I would totally be swimming right there with you in the cilantro pool! I can’t get enough of it! yummmm

    • Yay! I’m so happy to find another cilantro fan! I can’t get enough of it, either 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Marion!

  16. I adore gazpacho….and one packed full of veggies, like yours, is the BEST!!! I’ve never added cilantro to mine, but I must try it!

  17. Pingback: Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwiches #SundaySupper

  18. In my humble opinion, gazpacho is the perfect summer soup. And with a slice of bread a wonderful light meal.

  19. Pingback: Melon and Salami on Rye #SundaySupper - Cooking On The Ranch

  20. I am drooling over here, I want that sooo bad, gorgeous recipe!!

  21. This would be so perfect today… it’s BLAZING outside

  22. Pingback: White Chocolate Fruit Dip (3 ingredients!) #SundaySupper - Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks

  23. I love this. I have never had it chunky style before. On my list of things to make now.

  24. Would you mind whipping up some of this gorgeous gazpacho for me, too? I’m so glad that you joined the Sunday Supper family!!

  25. This is one gorgeous gazpacho! I absolutely love cilantro, so I’m sure I’d adore your version exactly as is!

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  27. Pingback: Strawberry Mango White Sangria #SundaySupper | The Texan New Yorker

  28. Beautiful. I love the extra cilantro. We love this herb in our home too. I will be making this very soon.

  29. Love Love Love!! There is nothing more refreshing than a good bowl of gazpacho, and I love that yours isn’t pureed smooth. I like to have those chunks of veggies!

  30. I love how you left your gazpacho so chunky! Looks delicious.

  31. What a beautiful gazpacho! It’s so perfect for a hot summer evening. I often puree it, but I love your chunky version!!!

  32. I definitely think you need the bread and greek yogurt with this, although I’d probably eat bowls and bowls even without!

  33. It’s so funny you should mention your love of cilantro, because I am the polar opposite you were talking about! I HATE the stuff, lol. But I think parsley or basil would do great in this, and my mother has both in her garden, as well as cucumbers, tomatoes and jalapenos! So this might just go on the menu when the harvesting of these veggies begins! HUGS

    • YES, I totally knew that the cilantro haters were out there, lol! You can most definitely use parsley or basil and it would be fabulous!! It’s definitely one of those foods that I ‘get’ why people don’t like, but I just can’t get enough of the stuff 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by, Cheryl!!

  34. What a wonderful Gazpacho! I haven’t made any this year but I’m totally craving it now!

  35. Pingback: Salted Caramel Gelato

  36. Pingback: Polish Chilled Beet Soup (Chlodnik) #SundaySupper » Curious Cuisiniere

  37. So beautiful. Sharing it with my facebook peeps today Emily 😉

  38. I had my first chunky gazpacho this weekend from a local natural food store and it was soooo good! I was seriously thinking I needed to get a recipe, and am so pleased you read my thoughts! Must try this asap!

    • I lOVE chunky gazpacho, and in fact, when I go out and I get one that is more pureed, I get all thrown off, lol!

  39. Pingback: Lemon Thyme Ice Pops #SundaySupper | Country Girl in the Village

  40. That looks wonderful! I need to try my hand at making some this summer

  41. I haven’t seen this style of gazpacho before – intrigued!! Looks like a healthy way to stay cooled and fill up! Thanks for sharing!

  42. Oh yum! I don’t envy the humidity where you are one bit, but if it means I get to have this gazpacho, I’ll come over for dinner.

    (Except I’m a cilantro hater so all basil for me!)

  43. I used to loathe cilantro, but now I love the stuff! And even though I’m not a huge fan of tomatoes, I think I could totally get down with this gorgeous gazpacho!

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  45. Pingback: Tasty Tuesday – Summer Gazpacho Recipes | 4virtu - Free Online Family Calendar & Organization Platform

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  48. Hi Emily. I have never tried gazpacho, but it looks so delicious!! I was wondering if this recipe can be doubled or even tripled as I would love to serve it at a party that I will be throwing in June. And hey, ya gotta love cilantro!!