Jelly Toast

pineapple strawberry smoothie {smoothie saturday}

Fresh Pineapple and strawberries and combined with banana and super hydrating coconut water to create this sweet and refreshing Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie. Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie by Jelly Toast

I’ve been a bit MIA the last week and a half. I’m telling myself it was because after returning from NYC as well as from a trip to visit my in-laws that I was just too wiped out to get my act together and create some great food. In reality I think I’m in my summer slump. It happens this time just about every single year. While most people are basking in the summer sun, just lettin’ off steam (I couldn’t resist the line) I am feeling drained of all creativity and ambition and just counting the days until I snap out of it and get back on my feet.

I never used to think that I was a creature of habit, but I so am. This summer lackadaisical schedule is for the birds, but for the life of me, I can’t seem to shake it. 

Pineapple by Jelly Toast

Pineapple by Jelly Toast

The one thing that I can undeniably embrace during the summer months is the abundance of fresh fruit. It’s hard to be really cranky when faced with a countertop full of pineapples, mangos and peaches.

When we went strawberry picking a few weeks ago, we picked way more strawberries than we could eat right away, so I popped some in the freezer for later to use in smoothies and even cocktails. Remember my Frozen Mango Strawberry Cocktail from a few weeks ago? Also the result of the over picking of strawberries.

Strawberry by Emily Caruso

This week, wanting to break out some more of these sweet little strawberries, I whipped up a fresh and very simple Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie. It was all fruit (no greens this time) but it was sweet and satisfying. Good enough for breakfast and treat-ish enough to stand in for a summer night dessert, this smoothie was just the thing I needed to start to break me out of my mid-summer funk.

Just taking some photos of these pretty fruits helped me feel a little bit better, so there’s that. I’ve got some big plans for next week and hopefully it will all fall into place. For now – there are pineapple strawberry smoothies for everyone! I made one for you, too 🙂

Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie by Jelly Toast

Happy Saturday!

Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie Recipe

Yield: 2-3 servings

Prep Time:10 minutes


16 ounces coconut water
1 small pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
1 cup strawberries, washed and hulled
1 banana
1 1/2 cups ice


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. Enjoy!
July 19th, 2014

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7 comments on “pineapple strawberry smoothie {smoothie saturday}”

  1. Love these smoothies. I know that summer slump feeling too. You’ll bounce back don’t worry. These pretty smoothies would help me for sure 😉

  2. Daww, I feel you when it comes to that summer slump! It’s been just so hard keeping up with all the wonderful abundance coming from bloggers when all you want to do is spend an extra hour soaking in the sunlight streaming from your kitchen window. I love the idea of a smoothie Saturday–I usually think of it as a busy-day meal, but this would be awesome for a Me Time weekend!

  3. what an awesome idea, your right about it being perfect for summer. i could definitely kick back with a glass right now!

  4. Cannot wait to make one of these tomorrow morning, love the flavors. Perfect for summer!!

  5. Pingback: Friday Wallflavourites: Edition 11 | Wallflour Girl

  6. A while back I was going to start a series (really a series of serieses because I had several ideas) and one was going to be smoothy saturday! Such a great idea! This one looks amazing!