Jelly Toast

Waldorf Salad

Waldorf Salad |

This post is sponsored by Campfire® Marshmallows. Thank you for supporting the brands that I love and that make Jelly Toast possible.

Waldorf Salad. Have you heard of it? Have you tried it? In my family this is a recipe that instantly brings to mind memories of my Grandma Scheuer. She was actually my great grandma and growing up we spent lots of time with her at her home. She taught my siblings and I piano lessons and I have so many memories of all the cool stuff we would do when we visited her. It’s funny the things that stick in my mind about my visits at Grandma Scheuer’s. Like how she always had a large can of Cheese Balls in her pantry, she had a fancy set of playing cards that came in a case (See? Fancy.), and how she always let me make the Waldorf Salad when I stayed for dinner.


I will never forget standing at a stool at her counter and carefully chopping up the celery, apple, grapes, and bananas. I would make little piles of chopped ingredients all around the cutting board as I finished. If we had peanuts, we would add those, too, but it was the marshmallows that were my favorite part. They added a sweet little softness to the salad, amidst all the crunch. I would always eat them out of the bag as I was chopping.

And then there was the dressing. Oh, the dressing.

I grew up a Miracle Whip girl, and will forever be one. I keep a small jar of mayo in the fridge for certain recipes, but for the Waldorf Salad, it’s got to be Miracle Whip. Sounds like the wackiest combination in the world, but I’m telling you, this salad is wonderful. It’s tangy and sweet and crunchy and just plain wonderful.

Waldorf Salad |

I love making this recipe with my kids and remembering those evenings making it with my Grandma. I pass on my stories about her teaching me how to sew clothing for my dolls using scraps of fabric from her sewing basket. It never fails that my kids get wrapped up in stories of Grandma and start nibbling on the marshmallows as we get the salad ready.

They are just like me.

My friends at Campfire® asked me to share one of my favorite side dishes using marshmallows and this salad is one of my favorites. Not only is Waldorf Salad delicious, but it’s so full of memories that I can’t help but smile every time I make it. This is a salad that is great for holidays or just anyway you are wanting a something a little different on the side.

For more information about my favorite Campfire® Marshmallows, visit them on their website and follow them on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram.

Are you a Pinterest fanatic like I am? Be sure to check out our Marshmallow Madness Pinterest board for even more marshmallow inspiration! You can find some great last minute Thanksgiving recipes like my Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes or Jamie’s Mini Sweet Potato Pies.

Waldorf Salad |

Happy Wednesday!

Waldorf Salad Recipe

Yield: 4 servings

Prep Time:10 minutes

Total Time:10 minutes


1 small banana, chopped

2 celery ribs, chopped

1 cup red grapes, halved

1 apple, unpeeled and chopped

1/4 cup Miracle Whip

2 Tablespoons skim milk

1 cup Campfire® Mini Marshmallows



In a large bowl, whisk together Miracle Whip and skim milk until combined. Add chopped banana, celery, grapes, and apples. Stir to combine. Add marshmallows and gently fold until all ingredients are evenly coated with the dressing. Serve!


You can also add a handful of salted peanuts or walnuts for added crunch.

November 25th, 2015

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One comment on “Waldorf Salad”

  1. This recipe is the closest thing, ingredient-wise, that I have been able to find to the fruit salad my Mom used to make. I don’t think she put celery in it though & I think she added honey, which was so good mixed with the mayo, even though it sounds weird. I think she put pecans or maybe walnuts in hers. I’m thinking pecans is what she used though because I like pecans better. I think either would be fine. Thank you for posting this as no others I’ve seen came close as this to my Mom’s. It’s been years since I’ve had any, so I’m gonna try a combo of your version & what I remember from hers.  Hopefully it will be like hers was. Thanks again. Lecia