Jelly Toast

irish affogato

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with simple and boozy, Irish Affogato. It’s a sweet combination of salted caramel gelato, espresso and Irish whisky.

Irish Affogato by Jelly Toast-1326

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

About a month ago, my friend Maria shared an awesome recipe for Easy Affogato on her blog and ever since then, I have had affogato on the brain. Maria’s recipe is fantastic and I served a version of it when we had the Buddy’s piano teacher over for dinner then again when we had a casual dinner party with a few of our friends.

I have even been making these quick affogatos in the evenings to eat while we catch up on our At Midnight (from the night before, that is).

Have you seen that show? It’s awesome.

Irish Affogato by Jelly Toast-1324

Well, I thought with St. Patrick’s Day coming up, it would be fun to put an Irish spin on this classic Italian treat. Plus, with the fact that my husband is half Irish and half Italian, I thought it would be super cute for him.

Well, I tried both Bailey’s Irish Cream and Irish whisky, and I decided the combo of salted caramel gelato with Irish whisky was the winner. Like a whisky caramel sauce, kind of thing.

Anyway, I was so proud of my idea, that I went about photographing and even making a little video about it (scroll down to watch video):

All was good until yesterday morning, I opened my email to see one of my favorite blog series, Crushing On by Jessica over at How Sweet It is. I love those posts and Jessica has been generous enough to share a few of my posts over the past few months. So, I scan down the list and see if anything jumps out at me, and BOOM – halfway down the list: Irish Whisky Affogato.

***face palm***

While I figured the idea wasn’t totally original (I mean, there are only 3 main ingredients) I had no idea that there had been such a recent post of a very similar recipe.

Well, I had serious thoughts about not posting this, because I try to keep things relevant for you all, but after talking to some friends, I came to the conclusion that there is always room for more coffee, ice cream and booze.

They were totally right.

And there you have it. There are no totally original ideas, but I’m okay with that. Plus, Honestly Yum‘s version is freaking stunning! Definitely head over and check it out – in fact, the entire site is drool worthy!

I guess the ultimate message behind this post is you should make some Irish Affogato – however you want to spin it! While you’re at it, whip up some Sausage Biscuit Skillet with Guinness. See? Now your whole menu is taken care of.

Irish Affogato by Jelly Toast-1335

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Irish Affogato

Yield: 2 servings

Prep Time:5 minutes

Total Time:5 minutes


1 cup salted caramel gelato
4 oz espresso or strong coffee, hot
2 shots Irish Whisky or Bailey's Irish Cream
2 thin mint cookies, crumbled


Place 1/2 cup of ice cream in a cup. Pour 2 oz of espresso and 1 shot of whisky over the ice cream. Top with crumbled thin mints and serve!


March 17th, 2014

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3 comments on “irish affogato”

  1. I love this and I am SO glad you posted it!! It is true there really are NO original ideas anymore and even if you think yours is – there is most likely a gazillion versions of it online. So you either never look your recipe up before you make because then you would get constantly discouraged OR you post and have your version in the blogosphere too. I say post away, because your photos are always stunning ( and yes so are Honestly Yum’s) and I love your little video! I have made recipes where I have seen almost exactly similar ones after I post and I have always debated going back and linking to the other ( just so people don’t think I copied) but I usually forget to. Ha ha. Happy St. Patrick’s day!!!

    • Thank you so much, Shanna! I tend to over think things like this and try to be as thoughtful as possible, but you’re absolutely right! If I stayed away from any idea that was ever done before, this blog would be empty, lol. Everything has been done to some degree before, and it’s just a matter of trying to make something as much your own as possible. And when in doubt, link up! Thanks so much for your comment 🙂 ~Emily

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