Jelly Toast

grapefruit pineapple smoothie

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie //  Jelly Toast

It’s been entirely too long since I’ve shared a Saturday smoothie recipe. Let’s not even go back and see how long. It’s embarrassing. But, because it’s January and I’m most definitely carrying around more pounds from holiday treats than I care to admit, I’m dusting off my Blendtec and getting back into my smoothie groove. Here’s the thing – I refuse to feel guilty or beat myself up about any weight that I may or may not have gained in the last month. I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and now I’m ready to turn the focus back to health and well being. No guilt about the past, just optimism for the future.

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie // Jelly Toast

I got to thinking about resolutions and the whole ‘trying to turn over a new leaf’ thing while I was a smoothie making machine yesterday. I made this gorgeous grapefruit pineapple smoothie and figured it would be great to take a few pics of because the color was too vibrant to pass up. It was our third snow day of the week and the kids wanted to jump in and help me with my pics, particularly C. She is on a major Lego binge right now and thought it would be good to add a few characters to the scene. I can’t say I disagree.

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie // Jelly Toast

Anyway, while we styled, shot photos and drank smoothies, we got to talking about trying to be our best self and how sometimes doing the best thing for yourself can be hard. This led into a conversation about C and her thumb sucking. Yes, she’s 5 and she sucks her thumb (only at night) and it’s about the only vice she has. She is the most independent, outgoing, sassy and hilarious little girl in the entire world (no bias here, of course). But lately, my husband and I have been getting determined to help her kick the thumb sucking habit before it does any major damage to her teeth or her poor little thumb.

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie // Jelly Toast

When I brought up the whole ‘you are getting to be a big girl and I wonder if you can stop sucking your thumb’ thing, I was shocked at how well she took it. She wasn’t crushed. She didn’t cry. But I did see her swallow hard and look a bit uncertain. But I also saw some serious determination on her face. I may have also promised her a mommy and daughter girl day at the salon as a celebration when she does finally kick the habit and I’m positive that sweetened the deal, but it was by no means her only motivation.

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie //  Jelly Toast

I am so proud of her. Tonight, we are going to take some steps toward her thumb free sleeping, and I will be busy searching for salons that do manicures and pedicures on five-year-olds. I just am praying that such a salon exists or I will have some serious explaining to do.

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie // Jelly Toast

Happy Saturday!

Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie Recipe

Yield: 2 large smoothies or 4 small

Prep Time:5 minutes

Total Time:5 minutes

This Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie is both tart and sweet and a great, sunny way to start your morning.


8 ounces coconut water (or filtered water)
1 large grapefruit, peeled
1 clementine, peeled
1 cup pineapple, canned or fresh
1 large frozen banana
2 dates
1 cup ice


Place ingredients in the order listed into a high powered blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
January 10th, 2015

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2 comments on “grapefruit pineapple smoothie”

  1. Love the smoothie! I want to sip it and imagine I’m somewhere warm! And the legos are a nice touch too. Have a great weekend!

  2. Pingback: grapefruit smoothie with chia - Jelly Toast