Jelly Toast

squash apple bake

On our calender, the months of September and October are filled to the point of comically overflowing with birthday stuff (The Baby’s 3rd Birthday is on Sunday – yikes!),...

cornmeal waffles

  When I set out to make apple butter, I had it in my head that I just had to make cornmeal waffles to be the vehicle for my...

slow cooker apple butter

After our exciting trip to the orchard, apple butter was high on my list of ‘apple stuff to make’. Yes, I really do have a list. And I’m plugging...

raspberry applesauce

Fall is here, baby!  Last weekend, the fam and I went to McQueen’s Orchards right here in Northwest Ohio, and had an awesome day of apple picking. It was...

turkey tortilla chili

  I love pretty much any kind of chili. Meaty. Full of Beans. You name it. I found myself stuck recently because I had a complete craving for both...

Today is another special birthday for me. My hilarious, fiercely loving, and all around awesome sister celebrates her big day today. She’s my only sister. She’s my best friend....

chocolate harvest pie

Okay. I am going to warn you now that I have a little obsession fascination with winter squash. You may laugh or think that I’m overstating, but in my...