Jelly Toast

peach iced tea and a baby shower!

peach iced tea {Jelly Toast} | Emily Caruso (1 of 4)

Today, I’m teaming up with a fabulous group of bloggers to throw a virtual baby shower for the hilarious, kind and super talented Amber from Bluebonnets & Brownies. Amber and her husband will be welcoming their sweet baby boy in October. I’m so happy for them and was thrilled to be part of her Texas themed baby shower.

peach iced tea {Jelly Toast} | Emily Caruso (3 of 4)I first met Amber through our work over on Food Fanatic, but since then, I’ve had the pleasure to get to know her further and now I’m happy to be able to call her my friend.

Amber was born and raised in Texas, so the entire theme of her shower is awesome Texas food! To be honest, I was nervous about the idea of creating a ‘Texas’ dish for Amber, knowing that she lives and breathes Texas – in addition to the fact that I have lived my entire life in Ohio.

In some ways, I think I picked the riskiest (although delicious!) recipe out there for this shower – Peach Iced Tea for a Texas girl whose husband is British. Yeah. Major room for error here. But hopefully, for what that this tea lacks in authenticity, it makes up for in flavor.

peach iced tea {Jelly Toast} | Emily Caruso (2 of 4)This Peach Iced Tea is sweet and full of fresh peach goodness. Served ice cold, it’s perfect for a hot summer day; particularly a hot Texas summer day. Don’t worry, I made a glass of decaf for you, Amber!

peach iced tea {Jelly Toast} | Emily Caruso (4 of 4)Amber's Baby Shower

Be sure to take a peak at all of the other mouthwatering Texas fare happening at this party:

Sugarcrafter | Breakfast Tostadas
My Kitchen Addiction | Baby Texan Cookies
My Baking Addiction | Texas Sheet Cake
Simple Bites | Grilled Shrimp Tacos with Charred Corn Salsa
Stetted | Queso Mac
Food for My Family | Texas Pepper Barbecue Sauce
Dessert For Two | Frito Chocolate Chip Cookies
Confessions of a Cookbook Queen | Coconut Tres Leches Layer Cake
TidyMom | Pizza Bread Sticks
Miss in the Kitchen | Blackberry Milkshakes
Art of Gluten Free Baking | Peach-Pecan Pie, Gluten-Free
Bon Appetit Hon | Cheddar Ranch Crackers
Food Babbles | Southern Pecan Pie
Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle | Decorated Elephant Cookies
i am baker | Texas Brownie Cake
The Kitchen Trials | Coca-Cola Cake
Cookies & Cups | Sticky Toffee Pudding Cookies
A Farmgirl’s Dabbles | Peanut Butter Bonbons the Size of Texas
Steph Chows | Fiesta Dip

Happy (Virtual) Baby Shower, Amber!

Peach Iced Tea

Yield: 8 cups

Prep Time:5 minutes

Cook Time:45 minutes

Total Time:50 minutes


2 cups water
1 cup sugar
two peaches, pitted and sliced
4 cups of boiling water
5 tea bags, strings removed (I used chai for some added depth of flavor, but use English Breakfast or simple black tea if you're a purist)
2 cups of cold water
extra peach slices (optional)
mint sprigs (optional)


To a large pot, add 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar and the 2 sliced peaches. Bring mixture to a boil over medium high heat stirring to dissolve the sugar. Reduce heat to a simmer and allow to cook for 10 minutes, or until peaches are fragrant and soft. Allow sugar mixture to cool almost completely; remove the peaches. While the simple syrup is cooling, place tea bags into a heat proof pitcher (or quart size mason jar). Pour 4 cups of boiling water over the tea bags and allow to steep for 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags. In a large pitcher, combine peach syrup, tea, and two additional cups of cold water and stir to combine. Serve tea over ice with mint sprigs and additional peach slices if desired. Enjoy!
August 19th, 2013

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47 comments on “peach iced tea and a baby shower!”

  1. Pingback: Baby Texan Cookies (A Shower for Amber!) | my kitchen addiction

  2. Pingback: Decorated Elephant Cookies

  3. Pingback: Peach-Pecan Pie, Gluten-Free

  4. I adore this tea! And the pictures are STUNNING!

  5. Wow. Your photography is nothing short of stunning! Not to mention your gift of writing. You make a recipe seem poetic and lyrical! I am smitten. 🙂

  6. I think it looks great! 🙂

  7. Emily, what a gorgeous glass of iced tea – and the perfect southern drink! Thanks for bringing this along to Amber’s virtual shower! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Peanut Butter Bonbons the Size of Texas {with toffee bits & potato chips}

  9. Pingback: Pizza Bread | TidyMom

  10. Going to make a batch of this pronto with the peaches from my CSA bag. Perfect.

  11. Pingback: Texas Pepper Barbecue Sauce, Baby | Food for My Family

  12. Pingback: Breakfast Tostadas and a Baby Shower for Amber | Sugarcrafter

  13. Pingback: Coconut Tres Leches Layer Cake - Confessions of a Cookbook Queen

  14. Emily, I don’t know how you knew it, but peach iced tea is my absolutely favorite way to drink iced tea. True fact, I’ve been scared for years that they’ll take away my Texanship because I don’t care for regular iced tea at all. But I’ll drink peach iced tea all day long.

    Thank you so much for celebrating Evan with everyone. We haven’t known each other long, but every time we talk, I’m enamored with what a light, wonderful, joyous person you are.

    • Amber, I’m SO relieved that you like the recipe!! I can’t tell you how much I wanted to make something that you would like 🙂 I am so thrilled for you and your husband that you’ll be welcoming your sweet baby boy in October! I feel the same way about you – I feel like we’ve known each other much longer than we actually have and I am honored that I got to participate in your shower 🙂 I hope you have an awesome day!!

  15. What a lovely post… And, a lovely recipe for iced tea. Your photos are just stunning! Thanks so much for joining in on the baby shower fun!

  16. I LOVE tea and I cannot WAIT to try this recipe!! Perfect for Amber’s shower and perfect for peach season. LOVE!!

    • Thanks so much, Kristan! I remember reading all of the awesome posts for your baby shower last year, so I was so excited that I got to be a part of Amber’s – this was so much fun!

  17. This shower is a pretty neat thing to do! Love peach tea!

  18. Pingback: Queso Mac | stetted

  19. Oh my, this looks so wonderful to me right now. It’s extra warm and humid here in MN, and a cold glass of peach tea would surely hit the spot! Love this for Amber!!

    • I know how you feel, Brenda! Summer is having a resurgence here in Ohio, and this tea has hit the spot this week. Enjoy and thank you so much for stopping by!!

  20. Well, it certainly just doesn’t get more southern than a tall, icy glass of sweet tea. I love the addition of fresh peaches. Gorgeous! What a wonderful addition to Amber’s baby shower.

    • Thanks so much, Kate! I was so nervous about serving up something southern for Amber – I didn’t want to disappoint 🙂 This was so much fun!!

  21. How simply delightful. I’m thinking of the two baskets of peaches i have ripening on my counter. This sounds like the perfect refresher for tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration and lovely to ‘meet’ you at Amber’s shower. 😉

    • It was great meeting you too, Aimee! I’m a big fan of your beautiful site and I was so excited to be a part of Amber’s shower 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by!!

  22. My oldest son is heading off to college this week and peach iced tea is his very favorite drink. I will have to make this for him before he leaves. So glad to have found your beautiful site through Amber’s shower.

    • Aw, I hope you loves it!! Good luck to him at school! I had such a great time being a part of Amber’s shower and connecting with so many amazing bloggers 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  23. Emily, I love peach tea! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  24. I’m not usually a fan of sweet tea, but these photos are so stunning, I could drink the whole pitcher!!! Beautiful!

  25. Oh wow–this is such a clever combo for Amber and James! Brilliant. And sounds delish–I am an iced tea fanatic and I can’t wait to make this. It’s so fun to be able to celebrate their new Evan-to-be in this way! Yay!

  26. Pingback: Fritos Chocolate Chip Cookies | Dessert For Two

  27. Pingback: Cookies and Cups Sticky Toffee Pudding Cookies » Cookies and Cups

  28. Pingback: Busy Mom’s Guide to a Quick (But Fantastic) Easter Brunch | A Life in Bloom

  29. Pingback: 5 Ice Tea Recipes for Scorching Summer | Whatshelikes

  30. Pingback: Not Your Momma's Iced Tea Roundup

  31. Pingback: preparation instructions black teaOolong Tea™ | Oolong Tea™

  32. Pingback: Peach Crisp Recipe | Bluebonnets & Brownies