Jelly Toast

pumpkin spice mocha

There is nothing more comforting on a crisp fall afternoon than a hot Pumpkin Spice Mocha. Full of real pumpkin and amazing Fair Trade ingredients, these mochas are simple to put together and will become a staple in your kitchen.

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

I’m sitting here staring at the calendar and much to my shock, October is here. The Baby’s 5th birthday is in 20 days. Halloween is in 30. And after that it’s pretty much a sprint to the awesomeness that is the holidays.

It’s pretty much my favorite time of year.

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

In addition to the crunchy golden leaves and bountiful pumpkins, October is also Fair Trade month. My friends over at Fair Trade USA invited me to be part of their Fair Trade month recipe rally spreading the word to Buy Fair. Be Fair. I’m honored to share the story of an inspirational coffee farmer and member of the FCC – Federación Campesina del Cauca Cooperative in Colombia named Jose Antonio Benavides.

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

Jose Antonio Benavides took an organic agriculture course to transition his farm from conventional to organic because he “wants the land to be sustainable for future generations.” His interest in environmental sustainablility is also business driven, as “due to climate change the land yields much less than it used to.”

He is working with a local University to determine the soil needs of his farm and to customize compost inputs to fill those needs. Jose keeps cows, guinea pigs, and rabbits because they provide excellent organic fertilizer. He has been composting for 5 years, and uses a chopper provided by the co-op to compost organic material.

His polyculture farm also includes yucca, beans, avocado, citrus, and bananas as he takes a holistic systems approach to farming.

Fair Trade USA works with artisans and farmers like Jose Antonio Benavides to improve lives, protects the environment, and produces high-quality products for all of us to enjoy.

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

When I think of my favorite Fair Trade goods, I tend to gravitate toward coffee and chocolate. For this month, I could think of nothing better than a rich and decadent homemade pumpkin spice mocha. This drink is rich and chocolatey, with a punch of pumpkin and that unmistakable coffee flavor.

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

A simple base of pumpkin puree, honey, vanilla extract gets warmed and whisked into creamy whole milk and blended with strong brewed Fair Trade coffee – this drink is so rich, sweet and comforting, especially topped with whipped cream and chopped Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark Thins. Best Bark Thins I’ve had.

Here is the full recipe for my Pumpkin Spice Mocha, but be sure to keep scrolling for the giveaway details!

Pumpkin Spice Mocha Recipe

Yield: 1 large mocha

Prep Time:5 minutes

Cook Time:5 minutes

Total Time:10 minutes


2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 cup whole milk
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 teaspoons Fair Trade unsweetened cocoa
1 teaspoon Fair Trade Dark Muscovado sugar
1/4 cup strong brewed Fair Trade coffee (I used Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice)
sweetened whipped cream for garnish
1 small piece Bark Thins Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed, chopped


In a small sauce pan over medium heat, whisk together pumpkin, honey, milk, vanilla and cocoa until smooth and hot. Add in coffee and stir to combine. Pour into mug and top with whipped cream and chopped Bark Thins. Serve and Enjoy!
October 1st, 2014



In celebration of this great Fair Trade month, my friends at Fair Trade USA are generously providing a package of some amazing Fair Trade goodies to one lucky Jelly Toast reader.

Here are a few of the lovely treats and beauty products that will be included in the gift box:

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

So, a few of the items didn’t make the photo because they were just to tasty to resist, like a bottle of Honest Tea, some fabulous Choice Rooibos Chai and Guittard Akoma Extra Bittersweet Chocolate Chips. Those got put into some pancakes immediately.

The gift box will even include this fascinating book by Kelsey Timmerman called Where Am I Eating? discussing where our food comes from. Very cool stuff. Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

Here is a complete list of the incredible Fair Trade certified brands that will be included in the gift box:

  • Dillanos Coffee Roasters Coffee (@Dillanos)
  • CocoLibre Coconut Water (@CocoLibre)
  • Guittard Akoma Extra Semisweet Chocolate Chips (@GuittardChoco)
  • Lake Champlain Unsweetened Cocoa (@LCChocolates)
  • barkTHINSTM Snacking Chocolate (@RippleBrands)
  • Rishi Earl Grey Tea (@RishiTea)
  • Dang Foods Dark Chocolate Covered Coconut (@DangFoods)
  • Honest Tea (@HonestTea)
  • Frontier Natural Products Co-op Cinnamon (@FrontierCoop)
  • Eco Lips Colored Lip Balm (@ecolips)
  • Alter Eco Deep Dark Sea Salt Organic Chocolate (AlterEcoSF)
  • Badger Balm (@BadgerBalmUSA)
  • LÄRABAR Bars (@larabar)
  • Runa Berry Clean Energy Drink (@DrinkRuna)
  • SunSpire Coconut Almond Dark Chocolate Bar
  • Choice Tea Rooibos Chai (@ChoiceOrganicT)
  • Nourish Organic Shea Butter (@NourishUSDA)
  • Where Am I Eating? Book by Kelsey Timmerman (@KelseyTimmerman)

Because I am a fan of simple giveaways I’m going to make this as easy as possible! Simply leave comment on this blog post telling me what your favorite Fair Trade brand or product is (or if you don’t have one, which one of these you can’t wait to try!). 

**One comment per reader. You must be a US resident to win. Giveaway will end until next Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 9PM. One winner will be chosen at random and contacted via email. This is not a sponsored post, but the giveaway package is provided by Fair Trade USA and these amazing Fair Trade Brands featured above. Thank you!**

Pumpkin Spice Mocha |

Good Luck and Happy Wednesday!!

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39 comments on “pumpkin spice mocha”

  1. My family loves Eco lip balms!

  2. alter Eco choc mmmm

  3. I really want to try Honest Tea I love tea and drink it daily and want to try their products.

  4. Do I have to pick just one? 😉 I really love Frontier spices and bulk teas. I use them every day!

  5. I’m a fan of Honest Tea, and I’d love to discover even more of these brands!

  6. I am a dark chocolate fanatic so I can’t wait to try the SunSpire Coconut Almond Dark Chocolate Bar! Thank you!

  7. I don’t think I’ve tried any of these but I’m a huge fan of earl grey tea do I would really like to try the Rishi Earl Grey Tea

  8. Stone Creek Coffee’s Fair Trade Dark Sumatra coffee beans are incredible. The company has several coffee beans and blends that are FT-certified, and you really can’t go wrong! (

  9. Chocolate anything. Bar, powder, chips. 🙂

  10. I looooove Dang coconut chips but haven’t tried the chocolate covered ones. Yum!!

  11. I have really enjoyed CocoLibre coconut wate (love this stuff) and honest tea. I would love to try Eco lips colored lip balm and alter Eco deep dark sea salt organic dark chocolate bar.

  12. One of our local coffee shops has a fair trade blend coffee that just blows everything else out of the water. It’s so good!

  13. I like larabars

  14. Just like you, whenever I hear the words “Fair Trade” I immediately think of coffee and chocolate.

  15. My favorite Fair Trade product is LÄRABAR Bars. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!

  16. I really want to try the barkTHINSTM Snacking Chocolate

  17. My family and I all love Honest Tea.

  18. Frontier Spices are essential in my kitchen. Especially divine is the Berbere blend which makes a fantastic rub on ribs.

  19. I like Honest Tea; I read that they use Fair Trade Sugar in everything that they make. I hope that’s true.

  20. Out of the pictured items, I’ve only ever tried Larabars, but all the items look delicious!

  21. I love the alter eco chocolate and I would love to try the bark thins chocolate.

  22. I love them all, but especially like Larabars.

  23. I love Honest Tea and Green Mountain!

  24. I try to buy fair trade when I see it as an option. My favorite product is probably ecolips but love honest company tea too. I found your blog looking for a recipe using Apple cider and caramel vodka – the cold one you shared last year is awesome! Thanks!

  25. I am a huge fan of Larabars!

  26. I don’t have a favorite fair trade product, but I would love to try the Nourish Organic Shea Butter.

  27. Pingback: 8 food blogs to follow for Fairtrade month | Edith and Edith blogging co.

  28. I’ve had some Alter Eco grains that I was really impressed with especially the quinoa.

  29. I just adore Larabars and their list of simple, whole ingredients!

  30. I would love to try some fair trade coffee or chocolate.
    Also, I made this pumpkin mocha with a few adaptions and it was absolutely delicious!

  31. My favorite Fair Trade product is Larabar Bars.

  32. I can not live with out coffee, especially fair trade.

  33. Lara bars and pure bars are two of my favs!

  34. I like bittersweet Sunspire chocolate chips

  35. I love honest tea

  36. I really adore the dark chocolates!

  37. Pingback: cocktail glasses | styles and sources - Jelly Toast

  38. Oh my god this pumpkin spiced mocha looks SO delicious. Wish I had one to devour right now, pinned!

  39. Sounds like the prefect fall wake-up! Can’t wait to try it!