Jelly Toast

thursday thoughts

Clearly, this whole food blogging thing is rubbing off on my children. The Buddy and The Baby are now playing ‘Food Blogger’ multiple times a week – complete with...

There is something I find thrilling about creating a meal in my kitchen that is basically an open faced sandwich but that I can call a name that is...

coffee granita

I’m pretty sure I spend too many hours of my day trying to figure out just how much coffee I can consume. I love, love my hot coffee, even...

thyme lemonade

We’re firmly into mid-July and honestly, I’m ready for summer to be over. Well, let me rephrase that. I’m ready for this heat/humidity wave to be over. July would...

my trip to phoenix

A few weeks ago, my husband and I had the opportunity to travel and spend a week in Arizona – just the two of us. This trip was significant...